NGC 6121 - M 4


Picture info :

Date Time Loc (TU+4) Visibility Wind Object's elevation Magnitude
17/08/2004 21h07 to 22h14 Average - Average 59.5° to 44.5° 5.6


Optic Mount Focal Exposures Camera
C8 CG5 F5 14x240s selfguided Starlight XPress MX7C

Note : Focal reducer is the Lumicon Cassegrain Easy Guider


Picture info :

Date Time Loc (TU+4) Visibility Wind Object's elevation Magnitude
05/07/2002 22h15     81.5° 5.93


Optic Mount Focal Exposures Camera Soft acquisition
C8 CG5 F3 2x30s_3x60s_1x90s Starlight XPress MX7C USB ver. 2.0e1