NGC 7793


Picture info :

Date Time Loc (TU+4) Visibility Wind Object's elevation Magnitude
04/10/2002 21h55 to 22h41 Average - Average ++ 67.3° to 72.2° 9.70


Optic Mount Focal Exposures Camera Soft acquisition
C8 CG5 F4 5x60s_6x120s Starlight XPress MX7C USB ver. 2.0e1



Picture info :

Date Time Loc (TU+4) Visibility Wind Object's elevation Magnitude
13/10/2004 21h46 to 23h49 Average Average  72.3° to 72.0° 9.70


Optic Mount Focal Exposures Camera Info
C8 CG5 About F5 26x240s Starlight XPress MX7C Self-guided