Picture info :

Date Visibility Wind Magnitude
12/05/2007 3/5 nil --

Optic Mount Focal Exposures Camera Guiding Comment
Orion 80ED G11 Gemini F7.5 6xHa + 9xO3 - 15min sub-exposure Starlight XPress MX7C Orion 80ED Only 2.9arc-sec/pixel

L and R channels : Ha
G and B channels : O3

Keyhole is also another large beautiful nebula, situated in Carena. Higher exposures would show more on that object.

Keyhole, située dans la Carêne, est également une nébuleuse incontournable. Des temps de pose plus longs auraient été plus bénéfiques sur cet objet.


Picture info :

Date Time Loc (TU+4) Visibility Wind Object's elevation Magnitude
26/04/2003 21h00 to 21h05 Average nil 51.2° --


Optic Mount Focal Exposures Camera Soft acquisition
C8 CG5 F4 4x60s Starlight XPress MX7C USB ver. 2.0e1


Picture info :

Date Time Loc (TU+4) Visibility Wind Object's elevation Magnitude
26/03/2004 22h29 to 22h41 Average -  nil -- --


Optic Mount Focal Exposures Camera
C8 CG5 F? 12x60s unguided Starlight XPress MX7C